Sunday, October 10, 2010

I am blessed

Twelve years ago today I married my best friend. Standing in the field next to my parents house with one child holding flowers and one child sound asleep on the couch. Surrounded by friends and family on a gorgeous fall afternoon. Yes, we did things a bit out of the ordinary, a bit backwards according to most peoples plans, but look who we are talking about!
We have made some pretty major decisions, changes, choices and plans in those twelve years. It hasn't all been easy, but we were never promised it would be. We have leaned hard on each other and been exhausted holding each other up. We have struggled to keep communication open. We have argued, we have had tears. We have laughed so hard we cry, we have talked and dreamed and watched our children grow. We have watched and supported each other through all those decisions, changes and choices. We have had many adventures and plan on many more. It has all been beautiful and we are stronger, closer and better because of it.
Today I stand in awe of the man I am blessed to call my husband. Today I am celebrating twelve years of marriage to a man I couldn't imagine life without. And a family I am fiercely proud of.

I am blessed.

Friday, June 18, 2010

One very important thing

Get your mammogram!

A dear friend in Cordova has been diagnosed with breast cancer after her first mammogram came back not so clear. She just underwent her first of several surgeries and will start chemo soon. They caught it early thanks to the mammogram. She has a long road ahead of her but she is very healthy physically, spiritually and emotionally and I have no doubt will pull through with shining colors!

Feeling a little helpless several thousands of miles away, Mikayla and I decided to have a bra burning to show our support (pardon the pun). We talked under the stars for a while and then, thinking we needed to muster up positive energy for this fantastic gift of a woman we got a little goofy before setting fire to the said undergarments. I know our love and support got caught up in the smoke, up in the sky, caught the winds and made it all the way to Alaska!

Tell the ones you love that you love them. Often.
And get your mammogram!

Summer begins

We have had a great start to our summer! The weather has been great until lately when we have gotten lots of rain (but its that time of year) and some high winds. Matt snapped the shot of the funnel cloud that was teasing the area yesterday. And Zane took some great photos of the crazy clouds that peaked out after the storm that ended up blowing off a door from the old machine shed and leaving us with 1 3/4 inches of rain.

Liz, Teghan and Quinn came for a visit the last week of school and we had a great time showing T and Q the "farm" life both here and at my friend Rebecca's.
The kids were great about animal chores and Liz, Matt and I had a ball keeping up with them and catching up with each other. Despite the age difference (or maybe because of it) Quinn and Zane and Teghan and Mik got along great and had alot of fun! This picture is after the girls had did "blindfolded make-overs". Not posting the one of Liz and I :)

Next up was Matt's mom and sister Tee who just left today and I feel like the rain is appropriate for my blah feeling at their leaving. We had a great time with both of them and hope they come again soon. Tee brought her dog Lucas with and he found a good buddy in Shim! Shim actually whined when Lucas got tired of playing :)Yes, he is a full head taller than both his Aunt and Grandma!
With Matt having more time to do the things he wants now, he has gotten creative with the torch! He made me a scootchy cart for weeding the garden and this beautiful trellis! One mans trash is another womans treasure!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Spring Surprise

The universe always finds ways to humble me. A week ago I came home on a windy, rainy night after an exceptionally busy Monday, ran into the barn to do chores, and found-MUCH to our surprise-a newborn lamb! The ewes had come into the barn when I did and he couldn't get over the concrete lip from the pasture to the barn. Once it registered what I was seeing I ran out, scooped him up, held him close and dried him off with my coat. After several minutes of mild shock and a bit of panic, I came to my senses and kneeled back down with him realizing one of these ladies was his mother. One of them came right up and nuzzled him, and gave me the old stink eye for doubting her. I ran into the house and got Zane and Matt and we quick built a lambing pen where Momma and baby could bond, be safe and well fed. Matt worked a bit with them to get him to nurse and ever since its been smooth sailing. Nature is truly awe inspiring. It is so fun to see it all work the way it is supposed to, especially after bottle feeding so many of these guys as orphans last spring.
It took a while to get good pictures of Cordova (named so because of the weather he was born in) as Momma kept herself between him and us until she felt more comfortable with our presence. Now he is jumping and running and making new friends with his aunties. I think some orneriness is coming out :)
So after some embarrassment for not knowing we had lambs coming (we watched for signs much earlier this spring but seeing none, stopped looking) we are now closely watching two more ewes that are looking plump and wider in the hips. What rookies we are!

Slightly more obivious are the two cats we have wandering around looking like they swallowed a football!

And the kids received another surprise last week when my folks showed up to see Zane's track meet and Mik's play. Here are a couple of after play pictures (great play photos on Miks facebook) and a video of Zane's high jump (he came in 4th and did great in his running events as well). I have a lot to learn about taking action shots both indoors and out so I am glad Dad got this video.

We will keep you posted on the new life at Shady Grove!
Until then may the sun be on your face and the wind at your back.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Spring Visitors

Julie and Avery were in Minnesota visiting family and honored us with a weekend visit here at Shady Grove with the Severson/Green crew. These cousins never seem to have any awkward "it's been a while" feelings and jump right in with both feet! Kids and adult cousins alike! Even though it was a windy weekend, the temps were nice and the boys slept outside both nights.
We got a lot of visiting, eating, laughing and even some yoga packed into the two days! Conversation is always entertaining and interesting ranging from barefoot running to organic farming to house hunting in AK. Avery was SUCH a little sunshine, seemingly taking travel and many new faces in stride! It's so fun to watch Julie as a mom-she loves it so much does a beautiful job! Thanks so much for coming guys! We hope you come back again!

Friday, April 23, 2010


Mikayla went to prom with her friend Clint. After a 10am hair appointment, followed by make up session, we went home and painted finger and toe nails. (Zane didn't get why we were painting her toe nails when her dress was long. Boys!) Clint was great about putting up with all my photos before they left to have dinner with friends.
Thank you Taylor, Miks make-up artist! (and Kitty, the assistant)

Mikayla and Clint

Mikayla and Kaci
Grand March decorations-prom theme was New York New York-beautiful!
After dinner and before the dance, they have a Grand March, which gives everyone a chance to see the couples all decked out. It is really fun! Then, after the dance, the school provides "After Prom" where they have games like Sumo Wrestling, obstacle course, and a prize grab, food and a hypnotist!

Pictures are worth a thousand words.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Spring Green

The light was so pretty this morning, I had to snap a few of my favorite angles. We had a great thunderstorm on Monday and I learned that lightening adds nitrogen to the soil, making grass greener! The trees have a ways to go yet :)
You can see the remains of the pond...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spring visitor

We had a visitor today. He was the strong silent type. At least until he found more cover, then he proceeded to sing a loud love song lookin' for a lady friend. The picture doesn't do him justice if you happen to know any pheasant hens....

It definitely felt like we turned the official corner towards spring this weekend! Breezy but warm! Zane has been wearing shorts for a while now but I actually put some on to work outside today too! The fairy house is repaired after seeing some winter damage, bird houses are cleaned and hung or straightened in hopes for new tenants. We washed the car in the driveway, burned brush and trimmed sheep hooves. (No lambs this spring, we will try for next spring!) Ate lunch outside, started a new compost pile and pulled some sunchokes up from the north side of the machine shed. (I will have to cook them up for dinner tomorrow night.)

Yesterday we went to see Easter, my friends new Belted Galloway calf, born on....Easter! And there are many calves between our house and theirs. Although I must say, none as cute as Miss Easter. Matt is busy spreading poo. And I think all the snow is even gone from the road ditch!

Yep, it's spring!

Hope spring has sprung in your neck of the woods!
That's all for now.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring has sprung!

Happy Spring! Since we first moved to Shady Grove we thought it would be so great to have a farm pond! There is a lovely little dip in the field south east of the barn with some trees already growing along the edge of our property that we have often thought would be the perfect spot. We could plant a few more trees, like a weeping willow, do some prairie restoration around the edges, the wild life would love it and so would we! Unfortunately we don't own said lovely little dip (just the trees) and I don't think the farmer that farms the field surrounding the lovely little dip would share our thoughts.

BUT, for the last few days we have gotten a glimpse at our dream. With warmer temps and some rain, the snow has melted rapidly and fields, yards, rivers and roads are swelling with the runoff. Our pond has appeared! Right where we wanted it!

It may not last, but we will appreciate it while it does!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Storm

The trampoline light has become the drift viewing light.
Any ideas for happy thoughts as we shovel the trampoline yet again tomorrow?

Calm before the Storm

Today was windy but clear for most of the day and made for a beautiful sunset.
I have to stop and remind myself to find inspiration in these endless winter days lately and days like today definitely make it easier.