Friday, June 18, 2010

One very important thing

Get your mammogram!

A dear friend in Cordova has been diagnosed with breast cancer after her first mammogram came back not so clear. She just underwent her first of several surgeries and will start chemo soon. They caught it early thanks to the mammogram. She has a long road ahead of her but she is very healthy physically, spiritually and emotionally and I have no doubt will pull through with shining colors!

Feeling a little helpless several thousands of miles away, Mikayla and I decided to have a bra burning to show our support (pardon the pun). We talked under the stars for a while and then, thinking we needed to muster up positive energy for this fantastic gift of a woman we got a little goofy before setting fire to the said undergarments. I know our love and support got caught up in the smoke, up in the sky, caught the winds and made it all the way to Alaska!

Tell the ones you love that you love them. Often.
And get your mammogram!

Summer begins

We have had a great start to our summer! The weather has been great until lately when we have gotten lots of rain (but its that time of year) and some high winds. Matt snapped the shot of the funnel cloud that was teasing the area yesterday. And Zane took some great photos of the crazy clouds that peaked out after the storm that ended up blowing off a door from the old machine shed and leaving us with 1 3/4 inches of rain.

Liz, Teghan and Quinn came for a visit the last week of school and we had a great time showing T and Q the "farm" life both here and at my friend Rebecca's.
The kids were great about animal chores and Liz, Matt and I had a ball keeping up with them and catching up with each other. Despite the age difference (or maybe because of it) Quinn and Zane and Teghan and Mik got along great and had alot of fun! This picture is after the girls had did "blindfolded make-overs". Not posting the one of Liz and I :)

Next up was Matt's mom and sister Tee who just left today and I feel like the rain is appropriate for my blah feeling at their leaving. We had a great time with both of them and hope they come again soon. Tee brought her dog Lucas with and he found a good buddy in Shim! Shim actually whined when Lucas got tired of playing :)Yes, he is a full head taller than both his Aunt and Grandma!
With Matt having more time to do the things he wants now, he has gotten creative with the torch! He made me a scootchy cart for weeding the garden and this beautiful trellis! One mans trash is another womans treasure!