Sunday, January 10, 2010

January Snow Storm

What do you get when you mix an early release from school, 2 snow days, one plow truck, one telescoping bucket loader and 4 patient people waiting for the county roads to be opened up? Huge drifts and cabin fever :)

Can you see Matt?

I knew we should have moved the trampoline to the barn at Thanksgiving!
This is taken standing in the driveway after Matt plowed it out.
Matt is 6'3".....
Notice the yellow thing behind Jill? Thats the top of one of the spreaders!

Umm, we're toasty in here thanks, we don't need to come out!
Let us know when it's April ok?
I am just glad it was Zane's birthday and he wanted to go to the indoor water park this weekend! That really helped the mind set! SO much fun! (but no pictures-sorry!)


JulieNBrad said...

beautiful pics, Jill--love your smiling face and great attitude! beautiful snow drifts--great plowing Matt! :) love and miss you all! happy birthday (yesterday) Zane!!!!! :)

Co said...

NO FAIR! Why do the people who don't like snow get the best snow while we get nothing?

Could you send it our way, pretty please!
