Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring has sprung!

Happy Spring! Since we first moved to Shady Grove we thought it would be so great to have a farm pond! There is a lovely little dip in the field south east of the barn with some trees already growing along the edge of our property that we have often thought would be the perfect spot. We could plant a few more trees, like a weeping willow, do some prairie restoration around the edges, the wild life would love it and so would we! Unfortunately we don't own said lovely little dip (just the trees) and I don't think the farmer that farms the field surrounding the lovely little dip would share our thoughts.

BUT, for the last few days we have gotten a glimpse at our dream. With warmer temps and some rain, the snow has melted rapidly and fields, yards, rivers and roads are swelling with the runoff. Our pond has appeared! Right where we wanted it!

It may not last, but we will appreciate it while it does!